Correlation of Vindication and Restitution in the Civil Law of Kazakhstan (Sergey Skryabin Doctor of Laws, Lead Researcher of the Caspian University Institute of Private Law, Associate Professor, Almaty / Kazakhstan)

2018-2-9 14:49

Собственность и правовая стабильность: трансформация понятия собственности, Материалы конференции 5-6. 11. 2015 г. , Тбилиси, Грузия. 2016. С. 258-266 (русс. ), С. 267-275 (англ. ). Sergey Skryabin Doctor of Laws, Lead Researcher of the Caspian University Institute of Private Law, Associate Professor, Almaty / Kazakhstan Correlation of Vindication and Restitution in the Civil Law of Kazakhstan1   1...

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2015-10-15 08:18